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CRE Development Basics: Building a Neighborhood That People Want to Live In

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Commercial Real Estate

Naperville real estate attorneysPeople measure real estate success in different ways. For some, it is their bottom line. Others only feel they are successful when they meet a certain investment goal (i.e. closing a specific number of deals in a year). Still, there are some who set their sites on sustainable, long-term wealth.

Building a Neighborhood - How Positive Community Impact Improves Investor Wealth

While there are those who fail to see the correlation between community development and long-term wealth, data shows that small-scale developers tend to build a stronger, more stable stream of income when they become intimately involved with the community in which they are developing. That is because they take interest in what the community wants, rather than simply relying on what is “trending,” which can be extremely important in certain parts of a city.

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Challenges Homebuyers Can Expect to Face This Spring (and How to Handle Them)

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Residential Purchases

Oak Broom real estate lawyersPurchasing a first home is one of major steps in developing long-term financial stability. Sadly, many buyers are learning that the market's favor is no longer on their side. Still, with the right tools and resources, it is entirely possible to make your home purchase dreams a reality this spring. Learn more in the following sections, including how a seasoned real estate lawyer can help to tip the scales and even the play field as you enter the negotiaiton process in your home purchase.

Low Inventory and Higher Prices

During the Great Recession, investors flocked to the housing market. Many of them now own a significant percentage of livable homes throughout the country. While this may be good news for renters, who often struggle to find rental properties in high-demand areas, it also decreases the number of homes available for sale. This issue, paired with the slowdown of new housing construction after the Great Recession, means that home purchase prices are high right now, and will likely to remain high for the rest of the cycle.

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Three Things to Know Before Entering the “Green” Commercial Real Estate Market

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Commercial Real Estate

Oak Brook commercial real estate lawyersAlthough the big debate over global warming has made headlines in recent years, the scientific consensus is overwhelming: the planet is getting warmer, and it is happening at an alarming rate. This information, paired with the growth of the “green movement,” has increased the demand for eco-friendly applications in almost every industry. Commercial real estate (CRE) is no exception.

What does it mean to “go green” in the CRE industry, and how can you ensure that you get ahead of this trend? More importantly, how can you increase the chances that your green efforts will be profitable for your real estate company? Learn more in the following sections, including how the assistance of a seasoned CRE attorney can boost your profitability in the green CRE sector.

1. The “Green” Trend is Here to Stay

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5 Responsibilities of a Commercial Real Estate Landlord

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Commercial Real Estate

Naperville commercial real estate lawyerWhile it is true that you can boost your income and perhaps even build a nest egg with commercial real estate (CRE) investing, those who are not equipped to handle the process risk significant financial loss. First, there is the risk of a failed return on investment - an issue that can often be mitigated using seasoned legal assistance during each step of the transaction process. Then there is the chance that you may be sued if you fail to meet your legal obligations as a landlord. What are these obligations, and how can an attorney help you meet them? Continue reading to learn more.

1. CRE Landlords Are Required to Adhere to All Local and Federal Laws

All landlords are required to follow certain local and federal laws. Commercial landlords are no exception. You cannot discriminate based upon certain criteria (race, religion, etc.). Furthermore, you must adhere to all building codes and zoning laws. Failure to meet any one of these obligations can result in serious consequences, including (but not limited to) legal recourse.

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Commercial Real Estate Valuation - What Investors Need to Know

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Commercial Real Estate

Oak Brook commercial real estate lawyersAlthough there are many aspects that go into determining a commercial real estate investor's overall return on investment (ROI), the valuation of each property is one of the cornerstones. What do you need to know about property valuation to improve your overall ROI in commercial real estate (CRE), and how can a seasoned real estate lawyer help? The following explains.

There is More Than One Way to Valuate a Property 

Property valuations are not as cut and dry as some might like you to believe. Instead, there are multiple approaches that one can use to determine what their final ROI on a property might be.

The first is the cost approach, which examines the amount of money that it might take to procure a property and, if necessary, rebuild it. This is typically used for unique properties, as well as those that need or have undergone extensive repairs or upgrades.

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CBD Industry Offers New and Exciting Opportunities for Mall Owners

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Commercial Lease Agreements

Oak Brook commercial real estate attorneysWith widespread mall closures for retailers like Nordstrom, JC Penny, and Macy's, commercial real estate owners are scrambling to fill space. Two major mall franchises have announced plans to add CBD shops to their list of retailers. Learn more about this interesting development in the commercial real estate (CRE) industry, and how it could impact your bottom line.

Mall Franchises Partner with Major CBD Retailer

Two mall franchises, Simon Property Group and Brookfield Properties, recently announced their plans to partner with the major CBD retailer, Green Growth Brands. More than 200 CBD shops will be opened in malls across the country over the next year. With a strong growth history and high-quality products, the CBD company is expected to flourish inside of malls.

Specifically, Green Growth Brands will be featuring its health and beauty stores inside of malls. They own two specific (but different) brands - one focused on soaps and shampoos, the other on the empowerment and wellness of women. The opening of CBD flower shops is also expected in some locations.

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The Benefits of Force Majeure in a Construction Contract

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Corporate Law

Naperville business contracts lawyer for force majeureA construction project often involves many moving pieces, including supplies, equipment, various contractors and their employees, negotiations with the city over zoning regulations, and more. Even under normal circumstances, it can be challenging to ensure that you are upholding all of the details of your construction contract, and it may be impossible during an unprecedented event like the COVID-19 pandemic. At a time like this, it is important to review your contracts to determine whether they include a force majeure clause that can provide relief.

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affects Construction Projects

COVID-19 and its effects may make it difficult or impossible to fulfill your obligations as a construction contractor for several possible reasons, including:

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How Can Zoning Affect an Illinois Renovation or Redevelopment?

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Commercial Real Estate

DuPage County Real Estate attorney for zoning lawsIn the business of commercial real estate, it can often be beneficial to purchase a property that has already been developed, rather than starting a new development project from scratch. Perhaps a developed property is located in the perfect place for your purposes, and you may even find that you can adapt existing structures to your needs. However, chances are that you will need to make some changes, either through a renovation or a complete redevelopment, and if so, you should be aware of zoning regulations that may impact your project.

Zoning Regulations in an Illinois Commercial Real Estate Renovation

You may find that you can adapt a new property to meet your needs by renovating structures that have already been built. A renovation may help you save time that you would need to spend on demolition, construction, and rezoning, but in most cases, you will still need to pay attention to zoning regulations in the local municipality that affect the development. For example, you may need to ensure that your renovation complies with local health, safety, and energy efficiency standards. You will also likely need to ensure that the property is authorized for use as the kind of business that will be operated there.

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Due Diligence Facts Every CRE Investor Should Know

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Commercial Real Estate

Illinois CRE lawyersDue diligence is a critical step in the acquisition of a property, especially for those dealing in commercial real estate. Done effectively, the process can protect you from lengthy project delays, zoning issues, and other negative consequences. In contrast, failures in your due diligence process may lead to extreme financial loss and an overall poor return on investment. Learn how to avoid mistakes and oversights in your due diligence with these crucial facts.

You Need to Spend Time at the Property 

Far too often, investors rely on the “experts” to handle the due diligence process. They hire an inspector but do not attend the inspection, contact someone to value the property but are not present during the valuation process, and rely on reports to tell them whether the building is up to code. Sadly, this is a massive mistake.

Spending time at your property not only allows you to learn about it, it ensures you fully understand any potential issues. Rather than simply reading a report, you can talk to the fire martial or inspector to get an in-depth understanding of the issues (and the potential cost to fix). Simply being in the space can help you determine whether your goals and intent for it are realistic. So, if there is even just one thing that you change about how you conduct your due diligence, let it be a massive increase in the amount of time you spend at your properties.

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Which Type of Commercial Lease Is Right For My Business?

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Commercial Real Estate

DuPage County commercial real estate lawyer for landlords and tenantsWhether you are the owner of a commercial real estate property, or you are looking to rent a space for your business, reaching an agreement on a commercial lease is a crucial part of your operation. There are a variety of lease structures available depending on the property's use and the preferences of both the landlord and tenant. The complexities of these different kinds of commercial leases can be challenging to interpret, but an experienced real estate attorney can help you determine the best options and negotiate a lease that addresses your needs.

Types of Commercial Leases in Illinois

Commercial leases vary based on the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both the landlord and the tenant. Some of the most common types of commercial leases include:

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