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Protecting Your Commercial Real Estate Properties in the Digital Era

 Posted on October 15, 2018 in Commercial Real Estate

Oak Brook real estate attorneysMost commercial real estate investors recognize that the digital era is changing everything about business - from how retailers must advertise to the way they use space. Mitigating for this issue and maintaining a thriving portfolio can be difficult, however, as it t requires tenacity, creativity, and a willingness to think outside the “big box.” Learn more about how you can protect your CRE portfolio in the digital era, and discover how a skilled real estate attorney can assist.

The Digital Era's Impact on Commercial Real Estate

People used to spend countless hours at the mall and big-box stores. Now they go to their favorite store's website (or perhaps even a reseller) and purchase items from the comfort of their own home. Retailers like Amazon are even making it possible for consumers to order everyday items online and have them delivered, sometimes in the same day. In short, brick-and-mortar stores are seeing less foot traffic, and businesses that have failed to build a digital platform have already either gone under or are currently at serious risk of doing so in the future.

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5 Considerations to Make Before Investing in Commercial Real Estate

 Posted on October 03, 2018 in Commercial Real Estate

Illinois commercial real estate lawyersIf you are looking for a way to diversify your real estate portfolio and have not yet ventured into commercial real estate, now could be the time to do so. However, there are some important differences between commercial and residential real estate transactions that one must understand before diving into the market. Gain a firm grasp on these variances with help from the following sections, and discover how the assistance of a seasoned real estate lawyer can help improve the outcome of your first (and hopefully all successive) commercial real estate transaction(s).

What is the Market Doing in Your Chosen CRE Sector? 

Commercial real estate involves many sub-sectors (housing developments, office spaces, restaurants, etc.), so investors need to understand the various nuances and fundamentals of their chosen sector. Not only does this decrease the risk of project failure, but it can also increase one's chances of yielding a high return. Savvy CRE investors can also use their market knowledge to fine-tune their investment path and diversify their real estate portfolios.

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Catering to the Millennial Generation - What Stands in the Way of Home Ownership?

 Posted on September 25, 2018 in Naperville Real Estate Lawyer

Illinois real estate attorneysMillennials are more than just history's youngest consumers; they have shaped the very world in which we live. Their love for technology has made items that were formerly seen as conveniences - things like free wifi and USB ports - an expectation, rather than a perk in restaurants, hotels, and coffee shops. A strong desire to make less of an impact on the planet than the generations before them, millennials have also encouraged many companies to adopt more eco-friendly practices. Now, with many of them reaching a stage where they want to start a family, real estate developers who wish to achieve future growth and success are having to consider (and find solutions for) the challenges that stand in the way of home ownership for this unique demographic. A recent survey may help shed some light on the subject.

Millennials Express Concerns Over Rising Home Prices and Interest Rates 

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Real Estate Development - Zoning Variances and Exceptions

 Posted on September 18, 2018 in Zoning and Land Use

Illinois zoning law attorneysWhen you invest in commercial property, it is critical that you are able to use it as planned. Unfortunately, if due diligence is not performed, there could be zoning issues that hinder the completion of a project. Depending on the situation, developers may be permitted an exception, otherwise known as a zoning variance. Learn more about variances, when they apply, and how a skilled real estate attorney can help with pursuing one for your current development project.

What is a Zoning Variance? 

Local municipalities are responsible for the way their community develops. Zoning ordinances allow them to control and limit the presence of undesired structures and land uses. Most of the time, those ordnances are based on community desires (i.e. residents not wanting a factory near their homes), rather than government desires, but there are exceptions. Examples include ordinances that prioritize land and wildlife preservation.

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Planning for the Future of Commercial Real Estate - A Closer Look at Generation Z

 Posted on September 11, 2018 in Commercial Real Estate

Illinois real estate lawyersGeneration Z now accounts for more than 25 percent of the current U.S. population, and they are expected to make up 40 percent of all consumers by the year 2020. As such, companies and commercial real estate developers are encouraged to start thinking with the “new generation” in mind. Learn how to better cater to this up-and-coming demographic, and discover how a seasoned real estate lawyer can assist you as you continue to expand your investment portfolio.

Getting to Know Generation Z

Generation X saw the start of the internet. Millennials were a part of the upward trend, but they still remember a time when stores were a place to shop. Generation Z grew up with the world at their fingertips, so their expectations are extremely different than the generations before them. They look at retail spots as places to do things, rather than buy things. A company's ecological footprint and treatment of their employees are deciding factors for this group of consumers, and they are less enthralled by experience than the ease of navigation. They want elements that promote health and emotional well-being. They are also less likely to work in a brick-and-mortar building, but when they do choose to work at a location, they want shared work spaces, unassigned seating, and quiet zones that help them “unplug” from their digital worlds.

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Real Estate Crowdfunding - What You Need to Know Before Investing

 Posted on August 28, 2018 in Commercial Real Estate

Naperville commercial real estate lawyersCommercial real estate (CRE) investment was once reserved for the elite, but changes in federal laws have opened up several methods that people can use to break into the CRE market. One such example is real estate crowdfunding. Of course, like most investment opportunities, there are potential risks that one must be aware of when participating real estate crowdfunding. Learn more in the following sections, and discover how a seasoned commercial real estate attorney can help you mitigate against the most common issues that investors may face in CRE crowdfunding.

How Crowdfunding Has Changed the Face of Commercial Real Estate

Prior to the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act of 2012, investors were only able to access institutional-quality real estate through private equity funds, real estate investment trusts (REITs), or direct investment. All of these options have serious limitations. In an REIT, individuals are investing their money into a pre-constructed strategy or portfolio rather than an individual property. Private equity funds are usually cost-prohibitive, and they often lack transparency for the investor. Direct investment can allow an investor to bypass these issues, but they require ample time, money, and labor - something that many investors lack.

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Planning for the Future: Real Estate Investing Could Boost Your Retirement Income

 Posted on August 21, 2018 in Naperville Real Estate Attorney

Naperville real estate lawyersAs investors near retirement, they may begin to worry that their nest egg will not be sufficient enough to sustain them. Could real estate investing help boost them over the finish line? Perhaps, but it is important that potential real estate investors understand the various investing methods, as well as the challenges and pitfalls that can accompany each one. Learn more in the following sections, including how a seasoned real estate lawyer can help you in building a successful real estate portfolio.

Why Real Estate Investing? 

Real estate tends to be one of the least volatile investing markets, and it typically outperforms other asset classes. That can make it a wonderful diversification tool for the seasoned investor, especially if they are nearing retirement age. It is important to understand that real estate dips do occur and your money is not typically as liquid in the real estate market, so you must be willing and able to weather the potential storms.

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Certain CRE Sectors Experience a Surge in Value, Even as Others See a Decline

 Posted on August 14, 2018 in Commercial Real Estate

Naperville commercial real estate lawyersReal estate prices have risen since the recession, for the most part, but many seasoned investors believe that some of the markets are losing steam. The decreased foot traffic in malls, closure of former top businesses, and 10 percent dip in the hard-hit retail sector certainly suggests as much. Yet, even as these areas experience a decline in value, some CRE sectors are experiencing a major surge. Learn more about these niche markets, and discover how a seasoned real estate attorney can help you successfully break into them to further grow and diversify your portfolio.

A Closer Look at CRE Market Trends

At the end of the recession, the Commercial Property Price Index hit an all-time low of 61.2. Since then, the index has more than doubled, and investors have been able to borrow more easily, thanks to low interest rates. Unfortunately, the broad index started to plateau in 2016, hitting and holding right around 126.9. Experts and analysts say this plateau is due, at least in part, to the rising interest rates, which are making it more expensive for investors to finance their purchase. Investor demand is also decreasing, with investors buying $175 billion in U.S. commercial real estate property in the first five months of 2018 (a 2 percent decline from last year).

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Real Estate Investment: Potential Challenges and Benefits of Short-Term Rental

 Posted on July 30, 2018 in Commercial Lease Agreements

Naperville real estate lawyersThe short-term rental industry has grown exponentially in demand, and savvy real estate investors (along with several others) are looking for a way to profit from it. Part of the reason for this can be traced back to the projected growth of this maturing industry. Still, there are some challenges for investors who are looking to break into this young but growing market. Learn more about these challenges in the following sections, and discover how our seasoned real estate lawyers can help you break into this thriving real estate market.

Challenges in the Short-Term Rental Industry 

Experts say that the short-term rental industry is not only here to stay, it is going to change the way that people look at real estate. Unfortunately, the market is still experiencing some growing pains; lawsuits - mostly from agencies like the National Apartment Association and the National Multifamly Housing Council - are cropping up all over the country. Yet, despite what some people may think, these agencies are not necessarily against short-term rentals. Instead, they simply want a cut of the profits for a property that they rightfully own, but it appears they are not certain of how to get it. So they are taking the matter to court, hoping to gain some traction there.

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How Changes to Zoning and Land Use Laws Can Impact Land Development Projects

 Posted on July 24, 2018 in Zoning and Land Use

Illinois zoning and land use attorneysWhen it comes to zoning and land use laws, developers need to consider more than just the present situation. Unexpected or unplanned changes can occur - sometimes to the detriment of your project. Learn more about how changes in zoning and land use laws may impact your current or prospective land development project, and discover how our seasoned Naperville commercial real estate attorneys can help you mitigate against such issues.

When Zoning and Land Use Laws Change

Municipalities tend to have a long-term vision for the way they want their town or city developed. Typically based on a variety of factors, such as land or wildlife preservation; values, needs, and desires of the community; and earning or tourist potential, this vision is usually outlined far in advance. Of course, things change. Perhaps the population ages or the town experiences a significant and unexpected influx of young people or successful entrepreneurs. Maybe the area starts to flood or suffer from erosion, or an indigenous species become endangered. Regardless of the reason, the city must then attempt to accommodate the change. That may require alterations to their plan, or even to zoning and land use laws.

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